Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Office Spaces, What design studios should be like!

Hello, Yellow!

You could not trick me into working in this environment. I could not even pretend for you.

What cross nighting?

For the designers I hope the picture is clear.

Spanish architects Jose Selgas and Lucia Cano of Selgascano have designed an office for their own practice, located in the woods near their Madrid Office, in Spain. What first attracted me to this project was the colour, size and location. What can I say I have an affinity for brightly coloured interiors even though you would not believe it if you currently walked into my white and silver flat…

The location; I would probably spend most of the time dreaming about the work I should be getting done in the office. Right now the only beauty I see in my current office is a carport. Yes they put the designer on the leward side of the building, next to a carpark. I dont even open my blinds.


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